An organic pioneer
Setting the example

It is in R&O's nature to be respectful towards the environment.
Through OSO®, we were the first to commit to responsible fishing and aquaculture, meeting strict criteria.
OSO® organic fish, shrimp and shellfish are born and develop on preserved sites and are given special attention, which favours safety above all.
They are fed with non-GMO and hormone-free food.
They grow in an environment that respects their physiological needs and well-being.

Management of natural resources
To stop the last leaf from falling

From the very beginning, particularly through its brand OSO®, R&O has made responsible management of resources one of its priorities in order to limit the negative impact on the environment. Driven by the Quality and Sustainable Development Department, this approach ensures food safety and traceability for our clients.
Our responsible management of resources is mainly based on the French "Agriculture Biologique" (AB) rules. It involves the women and men who work on all the Group's sites on a daily basis. It is based on compliance with strict production protocols. It provides objective guarantees through inspections by laboratories and audits carried out by independent bodies.
Responsible fishing and management of resources also has a beneficial effect on the social integration of the people living in the Tsingy of Ankarana in Madagascar and those living on the Galaxidi Harbor in Greece.

Environmental impact
Our anticipation

Alongside our policy on responsible management of resources, R&O remains continuously attentive to its impact on the environment and implements action plans to reduce this impact. The Group collaborates with IFREMER and CEVPM to optimise its actions plans. Thanks to these partnerships, R&O has made progress with TEDs (Turtle Exclusion Devices), optimised its trawling technology with a low environmental impact, reduced by-catches and made progress in its search for natural alternatives to classic antioxidants used to prevent melanosis in shrimp.

ETI social certification
Integration, the key to development

For several years, R&O has been committed to complying with the ETI Base Code (Ethical Trading Initiative). Its aim is to ensure good working conditions for all workers around the world. As an inherently international Group that has made social and cultural integration one of the keys to its development, R&O's active participation in such a programme is a must.